Fancher Creek Detention Basin
Fancher Creek Detention Basin is a 273-acre site located between Highland and McCall, and McKinley and Olive Avenues. Fancher Creek runs through the center of the site and branches off into Mill Ditch and Fancher Creek at the west end of the site.
About This Dam
- Built in 2006
- Intercepts flood flows from Fancher Creek downstream of Fancher Creek Dam, plus tributaries to Fancher Creek
- Has a maximum design capacity of 1,891 acre-feet
Interesting Fact
A grant, Prop 1E, helped fund the reconstruction of the Fancher Creek channel, which included excavation of the site, building of a control structure, and construction of the headworks at the west end of the site. Together, these projects give the site more capability to hold and move water. They also relieved about 650 downstream parcels of lender flood insurance requirements.