No-Spray Day

When you spray pesticides and fertilizers within 24 hours of rain, they may be ineffective as the rain washes them away. That stormwater runoff can also spread chemicals, such as pyrethroids, into the surrounding ecosystem. This can have a harmful effect on your community and environment. Consult licensed professionals to learn waterway-safe pest control options, and keep harmful pollutants away by not spraying when it rains.

To keep harmful pollutants away, simply don’t spray before it rains!

  • Rain Chance

What Are Pyrethroids?

Pyrethroids are a common ingredient in many household and agricultural pesticides. However, overexposure (directly or through water sources) can cause dizziness, nausea, change in awareness, and other side effects, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

What Is a No-Spray Day?

A No-Spray Day happens in a period when a rainy weather event is forecasted. It indicates that today is not a good day to spray any pesticides or fertilizers because they will not have time to work effectively before the water washes them away.

If you’re a resident spraying pesticides and fertilizers yourself, avoid spraying products during a rainy period to make sure they work properly. If you work with a pest control service, consult with them to confirm best practices for treatment plans and schedules. Additionally, adjust your sprinkler schedule or turn them off, choosing not to water any sprayed areas within 24 hours of spraying.

  • Rain Chance

Options In the Event of a Rainy Forecast

  • Don’t spray pesticides or fertilizers.
  • Use organic, non-harmful alternatives to pesticides. Check out what these alternatives look like with Our Water Our World.
  • Reach out to local licensed pest control professionals who can provide information on alternatives. Those professionals that practice IPM can assist you with a treatment plan and schedule to get the most out of pest control services, even with concerns about persistent rainy weather or being in proximity to aquatic environments.

Not All Pest Control Companies Are the Same

Get Help from Licensed Local Integrated Pest Management Companies

When hiring a pest control company to protect your yard, home, family, and pets from unwanted pests, it’s important to ask if the company is licensed and insured, and if it adheres to IPM (Integrated Pest Management) principles.

Do You Want to See Your Company's Logo Here?

Reach out to the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District for more information.

Tips for Residents

  • Consult with your pest control company to learn about IPM (integrated pest management) practices, and ensure you’re getting the most effective treatment from your services.
  • Change your irrigation schedule. Don’t water for 24 hours after applying pesticides.
  • Dispose of illegal/banned pesticides, or pesticides that have reached their expiration date, at a designated site.
  • Be sure to store pesticides in their original containers and properly dispose of any mixed solutions being stored in inappropriate storage containers.
  • Use traps instead of sprays for ant control.
  • Use barriers for snail and slug control.
  • Use food supply reduction for spider control.
  • Email the Master Gardener Helpline for tips on how and when to apply pesticides.
  • Schedule pest control services at least three days before any gardening or exterior residential maintenance services.
  • Check labels and purchase only “aquatic safe” labeled insecticides. Look for Our Water Our World certifications and use their interactive map to locate safe products.
  • Confirm the pest control company you have hired is licensed in the state of California.


City of Fresno Water Conservation Program

The Water Conservation Program offers a variety of free services for our customers. These services are provided to help customers save money by reducing their water use and ensuring compliance with water conservation regulations.

City of Clovis Water Information

Some easy ways to conserve water are watering only on assigned days, reducing irrigation run times to eliminate runoff, being mindful of daily water usage, and taking advantage of our water-efficient appliance rebate program.

Our Water Our World Products

Use Our Water Our World’s Store Finder to locate retailers all across California that provide less-toxic pesticide solutions.

City of Fresno Water Conservation Program

The Water Conservation Program offers a variety of free services for our customers. These services are provided to help customers save money by reducing their water use and ensuring compliance with water conservation regulations.

City of Clovis Water Information

Some easy ways to conserve water are watering only on assigned days, reducing irrigation run times to eliminate runoff, being mindful of daily water usage, and taking advantage of our water-efficient appliance rebate program.

Our Water Our World Products

Locate stores all across California that provide pesticide solutions that are less toxic using this Store Finder.

Thank You for Keeping Our Rivers & Basins Clear

A Message from the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District

While the primary goal of the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District is to regulate urban flooding, we also recognize the impact that stormwater runoff can have in bringing pollutants to waterways, including ponding basins, canals, and rivers. These chemicals can seep into our groundwater, affecting the quality and safety of the water you use.

By choosing less-toxic products and not spraying before rainy days, you are limiting the fresh, harmful chemicals that may wash off into our waterways. No-Spray Day helps ensure your pesticides and fertilizers work for you while reducing groundwater pollution in our community.